
7) Get Folder Option Back in Windows XP


Sometimes in Windows XP if you get attacked by any virus it removes the "Folder Option" from the "Tools" menu. Even if you get read of the virus somehow, sometimes it doesn't come back. Without the folder option you can't hide or show files. Here's how to get Folder Option back.

1st Method

1. Click on 'Start' and then 'Run'.
2. In the 'run' dialog box type gpedit.msc and hit the enter Button. The Group Policy window will open.
3. Navigate to the following location: User Configuration> Administrative Templates>
Window Components> Windows Explorer
4. In the right pane, find the 'Remove the folder options menu item'. Set its value
to 'Not Configured' by double clicking and setting the correct option.

2nd Method

If you are comfortable with modifying Windows Registry values, follow these steps:

1. Open registry editor by typing regedit in the run dialog box.

2. Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

3. Find the NoFolderOptions key in right pane. Change its value to 0. If you don’t see any NoFolderOptions then you should create a DWORD named NoFolderOptions and put 0 as it’s value. That means you’re forcing the explorer to show folder options.
restart the explorer after applying the tweak


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